What to order

Not at all. The idea originated from running, but as people put the EX-BELT to the test, it became obvious how versatile it really is. Click HERE for a whole range of resistance band exercises.

We will start you off with complimentary Red (Light) bands. Heavier resistances are available to purchase separately.  

How to use

Simply loop the band through the D ring and pull to tighten and you're ready to go! 

The patent applied make-up of the belt includes an anti-slip material allowing the belt to be firmly secured around your waist. 

Our bands are specifically made to be used with the EX-BELT and are made of very soft latex to ensure maximum comfort. 

The belt should be worn on your waist line and the buckle should be fastened at the front with the D rings sitting symmetrically at the back. 

We have found that looping the bands onto your thumbs works best. Let us know if you prefer a different way! 

Shipping & Returns

If you are not satisfied with your EX-BELT, we will offer a 30-day money back guarantee!

The EX-BELT is made in the UK and shipped internationally.